Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Oh, Mothers Day you say?


getting cards out to people was never one of me strong points so sadly (yet infinitely fortunately) not many of my friends or family actually expect a card off me these days, so i'm okay on that front... plumping instead to treat me Mum and Sister to a meal out at an all-you-can-eat in Brum. booked the table and whatnot, let me Mum know what schemes i was plotting then whilst on the phone to her she mentioned 'that it'd be nice if i invited Nan too and that oh by the way it's Nan's birthday tomorrow--have you got a card like i told you to get one on Tuesday?'


no Mum... no i did not get the card... and for my Nan's birthday woe betide ye who doth not getteth a card...eth eth! luckily Hallmark deliver personalised cards next day delivery for a measly 55p it seems so me Nan will get her card after all - damn proprieties and all that!

in more news this week, i got offered a job as part of the new company structure where i'm working at the mo; which is excellent news for me and the other guys i live with as it means i'll be able to stay put. the pay's better (extra £8k wooooo!) and something resembling a career path rather than a dark, dingy road to nothingness fast. it'll be the first salary-paid job i have ever had too; which feels quite cool. needless to say last weekend was well spent celebrating my soon-to-be new role!

Cadbury ads for the lulz...

Thursday, 24 March 2011


you know sometimes it feels like i never get out of work... i mean that i'll leave work but then there'll be a tonne of stuff that needs doing house-wise, the garden needs mowing, the plates need washing up, the food needs cooking, the plates need washing again, the house needs cleaning... blah blah blah. well i had one of these today and it isn't until 9pm that i'm now able to quit with the workings!

but it's okay because i get partially saved by this funny little chappy by the name of Toby Turner who i've found myself tuning into every other day and enjoying his incredible silliness. so i thought i'd share this ahem *cough cough* wonder of the modern world ...*cough* with everyone else.

in other news, tomorrow is Friday!
woo, yeah!

Monday, 21 March 2011

Dreaded Monday

usually they go okay for me really, i'm spared the whole dread of Monday thing that lots of people suffer from but this Monday has just tired me all out! the day has kinda drained my mind and my body at the same time, pretty much solid work nearly all day through with the worried anticipation from waiting to hear if i have a job or not.

ah well, ye can only live in hope sometimes! also need to send back nearly £200 worth of clothes that i bought from a catalogue site as i somehow managed to order everything 2 sizes bigger than what i actually am, plus side being that i didn't like the look of some items after all so won't be re-ordering those - found a nice jacket from it all though.

in other news, a United Nations Security Council Resolution has been passed and now UK forces have been bombarding Libyan military targets all day - weird to think we're technically at war with (Gadaffi's) Libya now.