getting cards out to people was never one of me strong points so sadly (yet infinitely fortunately) not many of my friends or family actually expect a card off me these days, so i'm okay on that front... plumping instead to treat me Mum and Sister to a meal out at an all-you-can-eat in Brum. booked the table and whatnot, let me Mum know what schemes i was plotting then whilst on the phone to her she mentioned 'that it'd be nice if i invited Nan too and that oh by the way it's Nan's birthday tomorrow--have you got a card like i told you to get one on Tuesday?'
no Mum... no i did not get the card... and for my Nan's birthday woe betide ye who doth not getteth a card...eth eth! luckily Hallmark deliver personalised cards next day delivery for a measly 55p it seems so me Nan will get her card after all - damn proprieties and all that!
in more news this week, i got offered a job as part of the new company structure where i'm working at the mo; which is excellent news for me and the other guys i live with as it means i'll be able to stay put. the pay's better (extra £8k wooooo!) and something resembling a career path rather than a dark, dingy road to nothingness fast. it'll be the first salary-paid job i have ever had too; which feels quite cool. needless to say last weekend was well spent celebrating my soon-to-be new role!
Cadbury ads for the lulz...